RoadMaster Payment Policies

  1. All prices for ROADMASTER Cab Extensions are subject to change without notice
  2. When you call or come in to place an order, that order must be accompanied by a one-thousand dollar ($1000) deposit at the time the order is placed so we can schedule you on our calendar and begin ordering parts.
  3. If you want to save time on delivery of your finished truck, then send fifty per cent less the thousand dollar calendar deposit, and we can paint the shell, wire it, and get all parts before your truck arrives. Or when the truck arrives, a fifty per cent (50%) deposit less the one thousand dollar order deposit is due. If you choose to pay when the truck arrives add at least 10 days to estimated delivery time.
  4. When the conversion is completed the full balance must be paid in cash, check or certified funds. (no exceptions)
  5. The only deviation from this policy is customers with new trucks that are financing their cab extensions with the purchase of the truck; then, all money is due before the truck arrives.

ROADMASTER is a small company, and we operate without the assistance of banks or financial institutions, therefore, we are not in the finance business and must keep these rules for one and all.